Lotrimin® has a range of products to cure most athlete’s foot, jock itch and ringworm, as well as a line of products to prevent most athlete’s foot.

Lotrimin Ultra® Athlete's Foot Cream with No Touch Applicator
No other product fights athlete’s foot faster.
One week treatment*
*When used twice daily. Cures most athlete’s foot between the toes. Use as directed.

Lotrimin® AF Athlete’s Foot Daily Prevention Deodorant Powder Spray
Stop Athlete’s Foot before it starts. Clinically proven Lotrimin® Daily Prevention.*
*Use as directed

Lotrimin® AF Athlete’s Foot Daily Prevention Medicated Foot Powder
Stop Athlete’s Foot before it starts. Clinically proven Lotrimin® Daily Prevention.*
*Use as directed

Lotrimin Ultra® Athlete's Foot Cream
No other product fights athlete’s foot faster.
One week treatment*
*When used twice daily. Cures most athlete’s foot between the toes. Use as directed.

Lotrimin® Daily Sweat & Odor Control Medicated Foot Powder
Absorbs sweat and fights odor.

Lotrimin® AF Athlete's Foot Antifungal Powder
Cures most athlete's foot while keeping the feet dry.

Lotrimin® AF Athlete's Foot Powder Spray
Cures most athlete's foot while providing effective relief from its symptoms.

Lotrimin® AF Athlete's Foot Liquid Spray
Treats athlete's foot in hard-to-reach places.

Lotrimin® AF Athlete's Foot Deodorant
Powder Spray
Cures most athlete's foot while providing effective relief from its symptoms, and also fights odor.

Lotrimin Ultra® Jock Itch Cream
Cures most jock itch in hard-to-reach places.

Lotrimin® AF Jock Itch Antifungal Cream
Prescription strength to cure most jock itch.

Lotrimin® AF Jock Itch Antifungal Powder Spray
Cures most jock itch while soothing its symptoms.

Lotrimin® AF Ringworm Cream
Clinically proven to cure most ringworm.